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People's Organization of Community Acupuncture

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Past Events

POCA Live!

POCA Live!

Providence, RI
Punking In Times of Divisions and Instability Rhetoric, politicians, and policy have real life effects on us, our families and communities and the health of all of these things. In this conversation we will explore some of the impacts that division, violence, and instability have on our work as cl…
Thursday, January 28 2021 12:00 PM 1:30 PM

POCA/live - Community Acupuncture in the Time of COVID-19

POCA/live - Community Acupuncture in the Time of COVID-19

Portland, OR
Join POCA/live on April 21st at 12 pm EST  Approximately one month into stay-at-home we hear from solo punks, employers, punk employees, and big clinics about what we're thinking the current state of things. Join our panelists: Alexa Hulsey, Julia Carpenter, April Shewan, Matt Prouty, & James Lo…
Tuesday, April 21 2020 12:00 PM 1:30 PM

COVID-19 Panel | How are folks preparing for reopening?

COVID-19 Panel | How are folks preparing for reopening?

Portland, OR
On Wednesday, May 27th at Noon Eastern/9am Pacific, POCA/live presents a timely and productive panel discussion detailing re-opening of our community acupuncture clinics after shutdown.   Panelists will share first-hand experience of preparing for and restoring their clinic's primary activities.  …
Wed, May 27 2020 12:00 PM Wed, Jun 17 2020 1:30 PM

Sociocracy: The Governance of POCA

Sociocracy: The Governance of POCA

Portland, OR
Join this discussion of POCA’s sociocracatic systems as we look towards the future and the changing needs of the coop. We want this event to be part of a larger conversation around sociocracy’s processes and culture. It’s important for everyone in the coop to have a basic understanding of how soci…
Tuesday, May 5 2020 12:00 PM 1:00 PM

Pandemic Care: Gua Sha, Cupping, Moxa while at Home

Pandemic Care: Gua Sha, Cupping, Moxa while at Home

Portland, OR
Learn easy ways to boost your immune system and strengthen your lungs at home using Traditional Chinese Medicine techniques. We will demonstrate gua sha (skin scraping), cupping (vacuum suction), and moxibustion (heat therapy) that you can use on yourself or members of your family. Presenters: She…
Tuesday, May 19 2020 12:00 PM 1:30 PM

Pandemic Care: Gua Sha, Cupping, Moxa while at Home

Pandemic Care: Gua Sha, Cupping, Moxa while at Home

Portland, OR
Learn easy ways to boost your immune system and strengthen your lungs at home using Traditional Chinese Medicine techniques. We will demonstrate gua sha (skin scraping), cupping (vacuum suction), and moxibustion (heat therapy) that you can use on yourself or members of your family.
Tuesday, May 19 2020 12:00 PM 1:30 PM

Imagining Safer Clinic Communites: Exploring Alternatives to Calling the Police

Imagining Safer Clinic Communites: Exploring Alternatives to Calling the Police

Portland, OR
Join Zelda Edmunds, POCAtech graduate living in Detroit, and Shanell Rodriguez, acupunk at Boise Acupuncture Co-op, for a discussion about imagining safer clinic communities where we will explore alternatives to calling the police. In this POCA/live! event we hope everyone leaves with a deeper und…
Tuesday, May 4 2021 7:30 PM 9:00 PM

Movement Building in the time of COVID-19

Movement Building in the time of COVID-19

Portland, OR
On Tuesday, June 2 at 12noon EST/ 9AM PST join POCA's Movement Building Circle as they facilitate a conversation on Movement Building in the Time of COVID-19: How do POCA members meet the crisis and opportunity of this moment to build connection, community, care, and transformation? Facilitaors: C…
Tuesday, June 2 2020 12:00 PM 1:30 PM

POCA's Big Transition

POCA's Big Transition

Portland, OR
POCA is currently undergoing a re-envisioning to create a more simple and sustainable co-op. In 2009, POCA was conceived and organized as a reaction to a burgeoning movement of people dedicated to providing affordable individualized acupuncture within a community setting. The people who have made …
Thursday, February 25 2021 12:00 PM 1:30 PM
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